Workforce is a an HR platform that automates employee management, timekeeping, leave and overtime request/approval, payroll, and generating reports.
It serves as a centralized platform to manage various aspects of human resource functions.

Benefits of the

Manage important HR functions in one place

Provides transparency and accessibility to employees on their employment information

Improves organization productivity

Better experience for employees which increases morale

Access to accurate and real-time reports

Gain flexibility on managing operations and making impactful business decisions

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List of Features

Time-in and time-out using the punch in/out feature of the platform while assigning tasks or projects allotted for the time tracking. This helps provide an insight for managers and business owners on the time logs the workforce is exerting on projects.

Employees can seamlessly access their information, available leaves using the platform. They can also request for leave and overtime that will be reviewed and approved by the manager assigned to them.

Employee-users or manager-users can be assigned roles based on their management functions In the platform.

Create clients, projects, and assign team members to projects they are part of to allow them to track their time spent on the assigned project helpful in resource planning.

Add actual work schedules and holidays for easier tracking which reflects on timesheets and payroll

Generate reports on timesheets, payroll, absences, leave which helps in identifying workplace patterns or spot areas for improvement.

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