Ensure accurate tracking of your company’s assets with a dynamic cloud-based asset management platform that scales as your company grows.

Benefits of the

Minimized Asset Losses

Reduced administrative burden of providing complex reports

Custom and dynamic fields that fit your organization’s use case

Historical records of all activities performed on an asset

Secure cloud-based hosting

Role-based user permissions

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List of Features

This feature allows asset-intensive companies to easily locate physical assets both indoors and outdoors, monitor their condition and usage, and optimize asset allocation. It provides businesses with dynamic location updates, preventing asset misplacement and losses which could result in company’s profitability.

This involves planning, tracking, and optimizing assets for peak efficiency and minimal downtime. It includes activities like monitoring the asset’s condition, maintenance scheduling, and linking of accessories or components.

Depreciation information helps present a clear timeline on the asset’s useful life. With this information, a company’s provided with a clear timeline when an asset needs to be replaced or upgraded.

Whether it’s a requestable asset or a depreciation report, Tracket provides users with flexibility to generate audit log, asset maintenance reports, activity report, or even custom reports,

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